dental implants

Dental Implants

People who have lost teeth might feel self-conscious when smiling, laughing, or even talking.

Dr. Clint Newman offers dental implants to replace teeth lost due to trauma or decay and improve his patients' confidence.

So why should you consider dental implant treatment at our Nashville, TN, dental office?

dental implants

Dental Implants Provide Durable, Stable, Long-Lasting Support

Lifelong Benefits

Implants can last 40 years or more with proper care. While you may need a new restoration eventually, the implant posts themselves can provide a lifetime of benefits.

Jawbone Stability

Implant-supported restorations are the only treatment that can stop the jawbone from shrinking due to tooth loss. By investing in this advanced option, you can protect the health of your jaw and the stability of your remaining teeth.

Restored Confidence

Compared to other restoration options, artificial teeth supported by implants offer unparalleled stability. You can feel confident in the strength and stability of your new smile.

Take a look at how an implant-supported crown fits into your smile...

Illustration of jaw and dental implant Illustration of jaw and dental implant

Feeling embarrassed about tooth loss?

The Top Reason Why Dentists Recommend Implants

When you lose a tooth, your jawbone also loses its source of stimulation. If you leave a missing tooth untreated, your bone will begin to recede, affecting your facial structure and making your features look sunken.

But dental implants mimic the function of tooth roots. They fuse with the surrounding bone tissue and provide the energy the jawbone needs to stay healthy and strong. For this reason, our Nashville dentists consider implants to be the best tooth replacement option for virtually all patients.

So, are implants right for you?

Good Candidates Are Healthy & Committed to Good Hygiene

An oral exam and consultation with Dr. Newman is the best way to determine if a patient is a good candidate for dental implants. Dental implants are generally best-suited for our Nashville patients who meet the following requirements:

  • Gums that are in healthy condition
  • Substantial bone tissue (for patients who do not have enough healthy bone in the jaw, a bone grafting procedure may be performed prior to placement of the dental implants)
  • Commitment to maintaining the dental implants and restorations through routine dental care and good oral hygiene habits
  • Willingness to undergo oral surgery and accept the chance of risk or complication

Limiting Factors for Dental Implants

Unfortunately, dental implants will not be the right choice for all of our patients. Some situations that may exclude a patient as a dental implant candidate include:


If you are pregnant, we recommend waiting until after childbirth to undergo dental implant treatment. 


Smoking negatively affects your oral health, slows down your ability to heal, and increases the risk of implant failure.

Young Age

Younger patients typically have jawbones that are still growing, so they should wait until their bones have fully developed before considering implant surgery.

Overall Health

Certain chronic diseases, such as immune deficiencies and uncontrolled diabetes, can increase your risk of complications during your surgery or recovery.



Certain medications can interact poorly with sedation medications or inhibit your ability to heal, so be sure to bring a full list of medications to your dental appointment.



Patients who habitually grind or clench their teeth can put too much pressure on the dental implants, causing instability and implant failure.

Dr. Newman will discuss alternate restorative dental treatments, including dental bridges and dentures, with patients who are not good candidates for dental implants.

More Information

Advantages of Dental Implants

Two of the most obvious benefits to dental implants include the hygienic and cosmetic improvements that can be made for someone who is missing teeth. However, there are many other advantages to the procedure.

  • Dental implants are such close replicas of natural teeth that eating habits won’t need to be changed.
  • The feel, function, and appearance of implant teeth are almost exact to those of natural teeth.
  • Implant teeth are not bonded or attached to other teeth.
  • Because the stimulation of the jawbone from chewing is transferred to the dental implants, they are known to prevent bone loss.
  • Providing a strong foundation for new teeth, implants help patients experience improved chewing ability and give them the ability to eat without worrying about loose dentures.
  • Enunciation and phonetic aptitude is vastly improved by dental implants.
  • The long-term success rate of dental implants is close to 100%
  • Function just as the natural teeth, meaning there are no diet restrictions
  • Artificial teeth that can be cleaned and cared for just as the natural teeth

Because the titanium implant posts are surgically placed in the jawbone, they provide the most durable, stable, and long-lasting support for dental restorations currently available.

Understanding the Procedure

Dr. Newman’s procedure for dental implants begins with inviting his patients to the Nashville office for an extensive and informational consultation. After examining the health of your teeth, gums, and bones, Dr. Newman will establish the most appropriate course of action for your treatment. You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions about the procedure and ensure that you are as prepared as possible for the treatment. Sedation is available upon request for your comfort.

A Landmark in Dentistry

Dental implants are a direct replacement for lost tooth roots. They completely restore the function of your bite while preventing jawbone atrophy.

Dr. Clint Newman, DDS

Clint Newman, DDS

Dr. Clint Newman is a renowned cosmetic dentist who combines advanced technology with a keen eye for detail to provide his patients with outstanding results. In addition to being the official dental provider of the Tennessee Titans, Dr. Newman is a member of prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Dental Association
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Nashville Dental Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

To schedule a consultation at Clint Newman, DDS, request an appointment online or call (615) 385-3507 today.

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